Excerpt from my soon to be released book...

Luke 12:56

“You hypocrites! You know how to analyze the appearance of the earth and the sky, but why do you not analyze this present time?”

As a child, I was fascinated with superheroes. In 1938, Superman was introduced in the United States as a character in comic books and three years later   we had a Wonder Woman. This was the beginning of fictional super beings in books and films, and the list keeps expanding. Who didn’t like the idea that a hand- some man, a “living god” existed on earth. Yes, he had Kryptonian DNA, but he looked like us and had super strength, the ability to fly and heal his body, x-ray vi- sion, super hearing, and many other powers that set him apart as a “savior” who was approachable.

Superman’s powers rely on his cells’ ability to ab- sorb and metabolize solar energy from yellow stars like our sun. His Kryptonian body is a living “solar battery” that absorbs solar energies and converts them to fuel for vast superhuman abilities. Interestingly enough, the power and worship of the sun have permeated world religions throughout history. And “Light” is a recurring theme in the Bible.

Heroic figures give us hope. Some of us aspire to be like them. I like the idea that they usually inspire us to be better, to do the right thing and be selfless. They make mistakes, but continue on with determination and courage. We love superheroes because we can re- late to them. For many of us, they represent a standard to strive for and make ideal role models. And yes, we would love it if they would rise up and save us.

What many people do not realize is that real super- heroes have existed right here in the flesh. It is to these superheroes we should turn for true guidance. Jesus the Christ is the ultimate example.


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